Filter CategoriesFilter - AllTK W-CoilsPiping P&E and SpoolIndustrial Distillation Columns and TowersIndustrial Tank APIIndustrial ConveyersDuct WorkFan EnclosureHouse Floor PlanIndustrial Sludge TankP&IDSCalligraphy & Logos Truss Drawing Belt Conveyer Tail Section Belt Conveyor Head Section 20 Foot Belt Conveyor Intermediate 10 Degree x 127 Foot Belt Conveyer Plan and Elevation 8 1/2 Degree x 225 Foot Belt Conveyer Plan and Elevation 64979 01 D Tower 1 D Tower 2 D Tower 3 D Tower 4 D Tower 5 D Tower 6 D Tower 11 D Tower 12 D Tower 13 D Tower 14 D Tower 15 D Tower 16 D Tower 17 D Tower 18 D Tower 19 DC 02 2 DC 02 3 DC 02 4 DC 02 5 DC 02 6 DC 02 8 DC O2 1 DC2 02 1 DC2 02 2 DC2 02 4 INDUSTRIAL TANK VERT API TK W COILS 6 TK W COILS 7 TK W COILS 8 TK W COILS 9 TK W COILS 10 TK W COILS 11 TK W COILS 5 TK W COILS 4 TK W COILS 3 TK W COILS 2 TK W COILS 1 SPOOL SHIPPING CONTAINER SPOOL SHIPPING CONTAINER PV SPOOL 2 SPOOL 1 PIPING PLAN SHIPPING CONTAINER PIPING ELEVATION SHIPPING CONTAINER D Tower 7 D Tower 10 D Tower 9 D Tower 8 P&IDS1 P&IDS2 P&IDS3 SLUDGE TANK 1 SLUDGE TANK 2 SLUDGE TANK 3 SLUDGE TANK 4 SLUDGE TANK 5 SLUDGE TANK 6 SLUDGE TANK 7 1ST & SECOND FLOOR ELECTRICAL APPENDIX A1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN FOUNDATION PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN SIDE ELEVATIONS SITE PLAN WALL SECTION 1 FAN ENCLOSURE 1 FAN ENCLOSURE 2 FAN ENCLOSURE 3 Diverter Duct Sht 1 of 5 Duct Sht 2 of 5 2 Duct Sht 3a of 5 2 Duct Sht 3b of 5 2 Duct Sht 3c of 5 2 Duct Sht 3d of 5 2 Duct Sht 4 of 5 2 Duct Sht 5 of 5 2 ductwork 1 ductwork 2 ductwork 3 ductwork 4 ductwork 5 ductwork 6 ductwork 7 ductwork 8 ductwork 9 ductwork 10 transition knife DET PILING DET SHT 1 DET SHT 2 ELCT SHT PV ELV SHT FDN PV FP EXAMPLE HOUSE PLAN PRESENTATION HP SECT PRSNT PLN LOT 2 LOT 3 calligraphy & logos 1 Calligraphy & Logos 2 calligraphy & logos 3 calligraphy & logos 4 calligraphy & logos 5 calligraphy & logos 6 calligraphy & logos 7 calligraphy & logos 8 calligraphy & logos 9 calligraphy & logos 10 calligraphy & logos 11
Filter CategoriesFilter - AllTK W-CoilsPiping P&E and SpoolIndustrial Distillation Columns and TowersIndustrial Tank APIIndustrial ConveyersDuct WorkFan EnclosureHouse Floor PlanIndustrial Sludge TankP&IDSCalligraphy & Logos